Dear parents,
In order for our children to continue to learn the Serbian language, we will apply for a program through the Ministry of Diaspora of Republic of Serbia to add Serbian language at our church. This way we could bring a qualified teacher from Serbia to teach our children and this opportunity presented itself at the recent conference called "Strengthening the Ties" at the Serbian embassy in Washington, DC. The first step, we need to have written parental consent for each child. The attached form should be completed for each child and submitted no later than March 1st, 2023.
Where to get the form?
Take the form from the church office from 9am-4pm
Download the form and print from URL:
Fill out the form in person at the Cultural Center:
Tuesday, February 28th from 6-8 pm
Wednesday, March 1st from 7:30pm - 8pm
* The form is only in Serbian because it is the official document. If you need help filling it out, please let us know.
Where to turn in the form?
Turn it in the church office from 9am-4pm
Turn it in to Velinka Medic
Phone: +1 (262) 292-1531
Fill out the form in person at the Cultural Center in:
Tuesday, February 28 from 6-8 pm
Wednesday, March 1st from 7:30pm - 8pm
