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The Conference of the Serbian Diaspora was Held in Washington in 2023

Updated: Feb 21, 2023

Dear parishoners,

This past weekend, the conference of the Serbian diaspora was held in Washington, DC called "Strengthening the Ties" after more than two decades in an attempt to improve political, economic, humanitarian, cultural and other connections with the motherland.

The event was organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia and the administration of our church was also invited to partake in this event, which gathered hundreds of members of the Serbian community living in the USA, representatives of Serbian organizations, distinguished individuals, as well as representatives of American political life.

In terms of specific benefits for our parish, we are looking to provide supplementary classes of Serbian language directed by a teacher sent by Republic of Serbia via a program described here:

Also, the travel costs to attend this conference were covered by individuals that attended - not by church budget finances. In fact, if this Serbian teacher gets approved, his/her salary would be paid by the Republic of Serbia, and aside from obvious benefits of getting a trained instructor, we could also be looking for some cost savings for our parochial school.

For additional detailed information, please refer to the media coverage below:

When it comes to the Serbian community in Milwaukee, a hightlight was given by Obrad Kesić, the Director of the Republika Srpska Office for Cooperation during his keynote speech, when he recognized Milwaukee as an example on how Serbs accross the USA should be working with their local, state and federal representatives for the betterment of American-Serb relations. This of course, was followed by a big round of applause. We thank Obrad Kesić for his kind words.

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1 Comment

Church Board
Church Board
Feb 21, 2023

In terms of specific benefits for our parish, we are looking to provide supplementary classes of Serbian language directed by a teacher sent by Republic of Serbia via a program described here:

Also, the travel costs to attend this conference were covered by individuals that attended - not by church budget finances. In fact, if this Serbian teacher gets approved, his/her salary would be paid by the Republic of Serbia, and aside from obvious benefits of getting a trained instructor, we could also be looking for some cost savings for our parochial school.

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