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St. George Lodge #93


The Serb National Federation's St George Lodge #93 was founded in Milwaukee on December 24th, 1912, the same year as our St. Sava church parish.

The first Lodge President was Djuro Kacara followed by Rade Maric, Janko Baseric, Nikola Dragisic, Trivo Budimir, Vaso Diudjevic, Djuro Djukic, Stevo Djukic, Sava Babich, Djordje Lukac, Milan Babich, Vlado Grubor and Dr. Milos Tomich. For the past 110 years, and counting, St. George Lodge #93 has followed the lead of the SNF mission by helping lay the foundation for our St. Sava Cathedral and proudly being one of the leading organizations among our church community.

Since 1999, the lodge has sponsored the Sava Tomich Memorial Open golf outing in loving memory of its member Sava who, at the young age of 34, passed away from cancer. All proceeds from this outing have been given back to the church community with donations that include student scholarships, our cultural center expansion fund, and to date, approximately $60,000 to our St. Sava Orthodox School. The St. George Lodge extends many thanks to all the golfers, hole sponsors, volunteers, and supporters: this worthwhile event since it's inception.

St. George Lodge also gave a substantial donation to the Sumadija Serbian Folklore Ensemble as they proudly represented our parish in the group's 2005 trip to Serbia.

The love for our church, faith, family, and Serbian traditions has been the driving force for all our hard work towards making our St. Sava parish the thriving community it is today.

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